Thursday, April 2, 2009

Welcome to Dunklin

The ride from the airport was so easy. And as you get further into no man's land you start seeing tree's over the road on both sides. It made me think of Forest Gump running down the road and his braces falling off his legs. I was hoping deer would not cross in front of me but when I got to the camp I found out I should have been more worried about wild hogs, armadillos and alligators crossing the road. For miles and miles all you see is fields, cattle, long roads leading to ranches and then before you know it you are at Dunklin Camp.

So finally around 20 miles from the nearest city you have arrived.

Welcome to Dunklin Memorial Camp.

When you turn in this is what you see. A very long road with many side roads. Their are playgrounds, motels, chow hall, homes, lakes, mens homes, staff homes, classrooms, etc.

I was surprised to have such a nice room. I did not have to lock my doors at all, although I did to sleep. Otherwise I didn't have a key.

Christy and the girls left me some dvd's to watch.

Christie and the girls left me a goody basket.

These are some of the staff homes. They are modular homes.

This is the motel.

Mickeys Home (founder of Dunklin)

This is where Brother Mickey and his wife live. They live about 1/2 mile down the road. He stared Dunklin 48 years ago.

Mary and Martha's House. House of Prayer

Mary and her daughter Martha live here. Mary's husband used to work for Dunklin but since he has died Dunklin takes care of her and Martha. But the great thing is, Mary takes care of them too. She is in her 70's and the men go to her house anytime to have prayer, have her to talk to and she has them over to sing. She is such a blessing. Martha is the care taker of the home. Mary doesn't get around good but she can still drive.

Building Relationships

While I was sitting at the spot God gave me that week, some of the men where getting a break from there classes. Building relationships and helping each other is a great blessing. And to have a small lake right there to go to makes it that much better.

Family Visit

On Saturdays and Sunday's family's can come in to visit there husband, brother, etc. This is very important in the healing process. Also they have classes for the family to help them rebuild relationships.

Donated Car

Occasionally car's are donated to the program. This one is sittting waiting to be worked on.

Quiet Time

The lake is a great time to have quiet time with our Lord and Savior.