Thursday, April 2, 2009

Food Preperation Area

This is Andy. He is from NC. He has went through the program and now is in leadership. He is over the food preperation area.

Can you guess what this is???? A pressure canner to can foods. Andy said it is alot of hard work. I bet you women especially know this. If I am remembering correctly, they can up to 70 quarts in this.

Does anyone need any greenbeans. Many of the farmers around the area donate some of their vegetables. The men go to the crops and pick the beans then come back snap um' and can um'. These men eat good!!

In the freezer you will find froozen turnips, turnip greens, corn, and many more vegetables for the chow hall.

On this day a farmer let the men come and pick the last of the crop of tomatoes. They said there were more to be picked and would go back tomorrow to pick the rest. And I guess you know there will be a whole lot of canning going on the next few days.

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