Thursday, April 2, 2009

Welcome to Dunklin

The ride from the airport was so easy. And as you get further into no man's land you start seeing tree's over the road on both sides. It made me think of Forest Gump running down the road and his braces falling off his legs. I was hoping deer would not cross in front of me but when I got to the camp I found out I should have been more worried about wild hogs, armadillos and alligators crossing the road. For miles and miles all you see is fields, cattle, long roads leading to ranches and then before you know it you are at Dunklin Camp.

So finally around 20 miles from the nearest city you have arrived.

Welcome to Dunklin Memorial Camp.

When you turn in this is what you see. A very long road with many side roads. Their are playgrounds, motels, chow hall, homes, lakes, mens homes, staff homes, classrooms, etc.

I was surprised to have such a nice room. I did not have to lock my doors at all, although I did to sleep. Otherwise I didn't have a key.

Christy and the girls left me some dvd's to watch.

Christie and the girls left me a goody basket.

These are some of the staff homes. They are modular homes.

This is the motel.

Mickeys Home (founder of Dunklin)

This is where Brother Mickey and his wife live. They live about 1/2 mile down the road. He stared Dunklin 48 years ago.

Mary and Martha's House. House of Prayer

Mary and her daughter Martha live here. Mary's husband used to work for Dunklin but since he has died Dunklin takes care of her and Martha. But the great thing is, Mary takes care of them too. She is in her 70's and the men go to her house anytime to have prayer, have her to talk to and she has them over to sing. She is such a blessing. Martha is the care taker of the home. Mary doesn't get around good but she can still drive.

Building Relationships

While I was sitting at the spot God gave me that week, some of the men where getting a break from there classes. Building relationships and helping each other is a great blessing. And to have a small lake right there to go to makes it that much better.

Family Visit

On Saturdays and Sunday's family's can come in to visit there husband, brother, etc. This is very important in the healing process. Also they have classes for the family to help them rebuild relationships.

Donated Car

Occasionally car's are donated to the program. This one is sittting waiting to be worked on.

Quiet Time

The lake is a great time to have quiet time with our Lord and Savior.

Family Staff

The staff and their family live at Dunklin. Alot of days you will see the staff's wife and children at the playground. They also help each other out to watch the kids while they do errands. The staff at one point was in the program but has been healed and has became a leader at Dunklin.

Food Preperation Area

This is Andy. He is from NC. He has went through the program and now is in leadership. He is over the food preperation area.

Can you guess what this is???? A pressure canner to can foods. Andy said it is alot of hard work. I bet you women especially know this. If I am remembering correctly, they can up to 70 quarts in this.

Does anyone need any greenbeans. Many of the farmers around the area donate some of their vegetables. The men go to the crops and pick the beans then come back snap um' and can um'. These men eat good!!

In the freezer you will find froozen turnips, turnip greens, corn, and many more vegetables for the chow hall.

On this day a farmer let the men come and pick the last of the crop of tomatoes. They said there were more to be picked and would go back tomorrow to pick the rest. And I guess you know there will be a whole lot of canning going on the next few days.

Chow Hall

Chow time. Evey morning, lunch and dinner there is scripture read and prayer before they eat. If there are any visitors the men step aside and let them go first in line. I felt very honored and respected. My favorite part was to hear the men talking and laughing knowing that their life was so much harder outside of here. Another thing I loved was hearing them pushing their chairs out to go eat. You would think that when there are this many to cook for the food would not be good, but it was excellent. They always had a meat and many vegetables, which are fresh.

The man standing with his back turned is telling the men jokes. They are a little corny but he is so funny. They just love him and he loves them.

Caught one cooking. Yum Yum ....... what is that smell. ?~~

These are three of the staff that used to be in the program. God is doing miracles there. Praise Him for bringing these young men out of boundage to serve Him and others.

One day when I walked in the Chow Hall, a sparkly sweet older gentleman with a huge smile said "HEY!". I couldn't help but match his smile back. His name was Ray Zander. He writes poetry and treats the guys by reading some to them on occasion. Ray gave me one of his books. He has traveled the world reading his poems. Later in my room I was delighted to read some of Ray's poems. Many of them are about life's battles and God's redeeming Love. What a gifted man he is.


Just one of the many trees on the grounds of Dunklin.

Saw Mill

The sawmill is deffinitely hard sweaty work, but these men don't mind. Don't they look happy. Some of these men work at night to make money to help with child support and other needs.

Crates are being made from the logs and sold for profit.

This is Geoff from NC. Geoff and his brother Tyler both have been through the program and now in leadership roles. I believe Geoff is a supervisor in the sawmill area.

Logs ready to be made into crates.

Seven Months in Program

A delightful young man I met. His heart is about to burst with so much joy God has given him since he has turned his addictions around and serving God instead.

Bottle Brush Tree (birth, mangled mess, Beauty

I walked up on a Bottle Brush tree. It made me think of the mens lives. How when they were first born, they were so precious in God's sight. Then as the years went on, life seemed to be a mangled mess, but in the end they received Christ and have bloomed in to such beauty.

Lake at Dunklin

This is one of there small lakes at Dunklin. The men get baptized here. Also I here there are alligators in the lake. But if they get over 3 feet long, some people capture them and move them to a new location. On Sunday I saw a man and his little boy at the lake. He was throwing a net into the water and caught a Talopia fish. His little boy was so excited. It mad me think about Jesus telling Peter to cast his net on the other side. I was curious though and wondered why this man used a net. He said that Talopia are vegetarians and will not bite a hook. The only way to catch them is by a net or spear.

Children and Leaders

These kids were at the playground. They are children of some of the leaders there.

Another leader and his little girl coming from the Chow Hall.


Dunklin's cattle.

Don't be afraid, there are lizards everywhere, maybe even in your room!

Not quite sure what this bird is but he is big.

I did get to spend time at the beach. Christie, the girls and I went but didn't get to spend but about an hour because the winds were 20 mph that day. But a couple of days later I went by myself and it was so calm and peaceful. Very beautiful weather. I wonder why I have waited so long to go back to Florida. I haven't been in 21 years.

Servant Leader

One of the servant leaders getting around Dunklin

Poll Barn with Brother Mickey the man who started camp

Brother Mickey the man who started Dunklin does some teaching on Sunday mornings. They have singing, testimonies, sharing, loving, and learning. What a delight.

Greeting at Church

Greeting time in the church Sunday Morning.

Prayer Night at Jay and Christy's home

The night before I left we had prayer. Several of the guys that where interested in branching off from Dunklin to see if God is calling them to NC, came. We are still bowing for our Holy God seeking His face in what His will is for NC. Please be in prayer with us.

Doss Girls

I must say, I have two new best friends. We had alot of fun together. Jay and Christie have some very sweet girls.

Doss's sons

These boys are so sweet. Christie said they are learning to ride bulls. Now that is scary.

Getting around at Dunklin

Bicycles are a big hit to getting around Dunklin. Also, golf carts. Great place to walk to and pray and talk to God.